Avoiding Popeye elbow in Pattaya

Avoiding Popeye elbow in Pattaya
Popeye elbow or to use the medical term Olecranon Bursits is an inflammation of the bursa sac within the elbow. Normally this condition is usually associated with a trauma to the elbow such a hard or even a slight knock. It is called Popeye elbow as it closely resembles the elbows of the cartoon character Popeye, although not serious if treated it is an unsightly condition and looked upon with some amusement from onlookers.
Although usually caused by a knock to the elbow, it can also be caused by an insect bite or even a small scratch to the elbow area. This condition?is very common amongst tourists and expats at the drinking bars of Pattaya. At first this might seem odd for this high?occurrence in Pattaya but the answer is remarkably simple. It is due to the construction of all the bars in Pattaya.
How is this possible you might ask.?Well the fronts and
tops of the bars are constructed in ceramic tile.Over time the edges of the bar surface?become
Avoiding Popeye elbow in Pattaya
slightly damaged along with the grouting due wear and tear of prolonged drinkers placing their beer glasses on the surface. Over time small fragments of glass and ceramic are embedded into the grouting.
Although hardly noticeable this slight damage is filled also with bacteria grit and grim and other infections. Never being cleaned?at a biological level?only a quick wipe over usually with a dirty wet cloth at best. This brings me to the point of this article, resting elbows whilst drinking at the bars for prolonged time is not such a good idea as you run the risk of embedding some tiny fragment of damaged ceramic or grit into the tip of the elbow, so small you will not even be aware that this has happened.
Avoid elbow contact with the bar surface especially if you have an insect bite or scratch anywhere near the elbow area. If an infection however slight gets in the bursa sac the body will fill the bursa sac with water in an attempt to cushion and protect the elbow joint. Although
Avoiding Popeye elbow in Pattaya
unsightly it should clear?up if left to?its own devices with 1 to 2 weeks. However if it persists longer medical attention should be considered. This will involve draining the affected joint of excess fluid along with a course antibiotics and could take sometime to clear. If left untreated for a long period of time calcium deposits will build up on the joint leading to further and more serious complications.
Over the years there has been many cases of Popeye elbow amongst friends, associates and other drinkers?at the bars in Pattaya. I pass on this tip to?you and avoid prolonged elbow contact as much as possible on the surfaces of the bars or end up with elbows like Popeye.